Cheat Sheets#


These docs are for Thot versions 0.9.x and below.

For the versions 0.10.0 and above, please visit our new tutorials.

Here are the most important concepts and commands we learned through this tutorial.

  • The root: directive points to the project root.


  • A Container is a folder with a _container.json file in it. Containers can contain other Containers, Assets, and Script Associations.

Listing 25 Basic _container.json file.#
        "name": "My Container",
        "type": "basic-container",
        "description": "A basic Container example.",
        "metadata": {
                "string_metadata": "I am a string",
                "number_metadata": 42,
                "boolean_metadata": true,
                "json_metadata": {
                        "another_number": 2.71828

Project view

  • Add children to Containers by clicking on the icon.

  • Edit a Container’s properties by clicking on the icon or right clicking on the Container and selecting Edit Properties.

  • Toggle a Container’s children’s visibilty clicking on the icon.

  • Duplicate a tree by right clicking on the desired root and selecting Duplicate Tree.

  • Remove a tree by right clicking on the root of it and selecting Exclude Tree.

File Tree view

  • Add a child to a Container by slecting it then clicking the Add Child button.

  • Edit a Container’s properties by selecting it and editing them from the side panel.

  • Make a folder a Container by selecting it and clicking the Make Container button.


  • An Asset is a folder with an _asset.json file in it. Assets represent pieces of data in your project.

Listing 27 Basic _asset.json file.#
        "name": "My Asset",
        "type": "basic-asset",
        "description": "A basic Asset example.",
        "metadata": {
                "more_metadata": true

        "file": "path/to/file.csv"

Project view

  • Add Assets to a Container by dragging and dropping them.

  • Edit a Container’s Asset’s properties by previewing them and double clicking on the Asset you want to edit.

File Tree view

  • Add an Asset by selecting a Container and clicking the Add Asset button.

  • Edit an Asset’s properties by selecting it and editing them from the side panel.

  • Make a folder an Asset by selecting it and clicking the Make Asset button.

Script Associations#

  • Script Associations are added to Containers in the _scripts.json file.

Listing 29 Basic _scripts.json file.#
                "script": "path/to/"
                "script": "root:/path/to/"

Project view

  • Add Script Associations to a Container by right clicking on it and selecting Edit Scripts or previews Scripts and double clicking on th preview area.

File Tree view

  • Set a Container’s Script Association by selecting it and click the Set Scripts button. This will remove any previously set Script Associations.

  • Add Script Associations to a Container by selecting it and clicking the Add Scripts button. This will add the Script Associations to any that were previously set.


  • To initialize a Thot project in your Python script.

Listing 32 Initialize a Thot project.#
from thot import ThotProject
db = ThotProject()
  • Finding Containers and Assets.

Listing 33 Finding Containers and Assets.#
container  = db.find_container(  { 'name': 'Basic Container' } )
containers = db.find_containers( { 'type': 'basic-container' } )

asset  = db.find_asset(  { 'name': 'Basic Asset' } )
assets = db.find_assets( { 'type': 'basic-asset' } )
  • Getting the information from a Container or Asset is the same.

Listing 34 Getting information from Containers and Assets.#
file_path = asset.file
container_name =

is_boolean    = container.metadata[ 'boolean_metadata' ]
nested_number = container.metadata[ 'json_metadata' ][ 'another_number' ]
  • Analyze the project.

Click the Analyze button in the upper right corner of the Project view.